Friday, 11 July 2014

Reviewing the NLP Trainers: Nick Kemp

I realise that Nick Kemp is not very well known, but StanNLP65 asked me to write about him and since I've met Nick several times while assisting on Bandler's training in London, I'm happy to give some feedback.

Nick is an NLP Trainer based in the North of England (Leeds or Manchester, not quite sure) and the only reason I know him is because both of us were assisting on the Bandler/McKenna-Breen courses in London. The last time I met him was during one of Derren Brown's TV specials where all sorts of NLP people were invited to come to London. Since then, we only had a few exchanges in online groups.

He has very good rapport skills and seems to be very good at PR, meaning he is good at getting people to think that he is an excellent trainer. According to StanNLP65 "Nick's Master Prac was mostly about Nick and what a great trainer he is. Training was okay, though!"

So, it seems that as a trainer he is certainly not one of the best, but probably not one of the worst.

He used to have a business partnership with Tina Taylor, an NLP "Master" Trainer, who is nice enough, but quite a lightweight when it comes to NLP training. She also was one of the perennial assistants at the McKenna-Breen courses in London. They had some kind of a bust-up, but I don't know any details.

Nick is also one of the few trainers (that I know of) who has been kicked out of the Society of NLP (SNLP), which should make him my hero (fight the machine!), but again, I don't know what really happened.

Nick is also very vocal on LinkedIn, where he has become a top contributor on several forums/groups by posting LOL and ME TOO in just about every thread, which I find highly annoying.

One thing that he deserves a lot of credit for, though, is his re-discovery of Frank Farelly, creator of Provocative Therapy and one of the forgotten (or at least rarely mentioned) therapists who were modeled by Bandler and Grinder when they started the whole NLP thing. Provocative therapy, if done by a master, is a wonder to behold, so kudos to Nick for introducing Frank to a wider audience.